About the Lab
The Faculty Research Lab will embrace all disciplines of research at UC Riverside through a centralized power computing center. The idea is to develop a lab that contains multiple operating systems for all users. CVC will manage all licenses of software through a license server and different users can request softwares to be installed.
The lab will allow researchers to focus on their research without worrying about security issues, backups, network problems and a myriad of other issues associated with maintaining your own systems. Researchers can also get consultation from CVC staff on different softwares, operating systems and digital publishing as well as traditional print media publishing.
Lab Hours and Location:
The Faculty Research Lab is located in room 161 in the Computing and Communications building by parking lot number 9. Visitor parking is available close to the building.
The lab hours are the same as the building hours for the Computing and Communications building - 7am - 6pm.
For more information please send email to or call:
(909) 787 - 5825
Please see the links below for more information about the lab's hardware and software.
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